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Terms of Use

The use of the website is provided by according to the below terms and conditions.

1. You agree to use this website for legal purposes only and in a way that does not violate the rights of any third party, nor restrict or prohibit them from using and enjoying the website. Messages that exhibit the below characteristics are utterly forbidden:
• Content that is illegal, damaging, or harmful, such as defamatory, insulting, violent, obscene, pornographic content, or that violates the personality and personal data of any third party.
• Content that is harmful to minors.
• Content contrary to accepted principles of morality or public order.
• Content that constitutes spam (an unrequested commercial communication – advertising).
• Direct or indirect commercial advertising and any form of promotion regarding people, products, or services.
• Insulting or disparaging references to natural or legal persons or protected trademarks (trade names, brand names, registered business names, etc.), the interception or violation of the privacy of third parties in general (such as the posting, collection, or/and storage of other user’s personal data), the impersonation of any natural or legal person or forgery.
• The posting or reference of links that contain illegal software or methods of neutralizing software protection as well as any other content (images, music, etc.) that infringes intellectual property rights and “peertopeer” links.
• Content or files that contain harmful data (viruses, etc.).
• References or external links to other websites that contain illegal or harmful content.

2.The content and services of the website, including the images, graphics, photos, any kind of design, the texts, and all the website’s files are protected by the related provisions of Greek law, European law, and international conventions. None of the above can fully or partially become an item of sale, replication, alteration, reproduction, reposting or can be transmitted or distributed in any way, except in the case of individual storage of a single duplicate of a content’s section in a personal computer for non-commercial, personal or academic/educational use and only when there is a reference of the website, without infringing in any way the related intellectual property rights. The names, images, logos, and trademarks that represent the website or third-parties and its products or services are solely marks of the website or the third parties and are protected by the relevant trademark and intellectual property laws. The user of the website is fully aware and accepts having no right to copy, commercially exploit, sell, upsell, reproduce, distribute in any way, and by any means, the entire or a section of the website’s content. If you need more information regarding the use of the content, contact us at

3. Any form of communication or material that you transmit to us through the website, or transmit or post in any public section of the website, including any data, questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, etc. is considered and will be treated as non-confidential and non-exclusive information.

4. The above terms and conditions of the website’s use, as well as any modification, change, or alteration are bound and completed under Greek law, European Union law, and relevant international treaties. Any provision of the above terms becomes against the law automatically ceases to apply and is removed from the present terms of use, without infringing the validity of the other terms in any way.

5. If the present terms and conditions are not entirely accepted, the use of the existing website must be terminated immediately.

6. The opinions of the website’s users do not necessarily constitute the opinions of